Tuesday, December 04, 2007

IPhone Lautsprecher/Töne gehen nicht

Tolles Phänomen gerade eben: Hörbuch im Auto gehört, ausgeschalten und ausgestiegen. Da fällt mir auf, dass keine Töne mehr kommen, wenn man das IPhone entsperrt/sperrt.

Also mal IPod aufgerufen -> nix zu hören.
Schon leichten Anflug von Panik bekommen. In die Klingeltöne gegangen -> Marimba (der Originalklingelton) funktioniert.
Die Panik weicht einer Verwunderung.
Andere Klingeltöne gehen aber nicht mehr -> und doch wieder Panik.
In die Signaltöne hereingegangen -> Hupe, Ente und wie sie alle heißen: funktionieren

In einem Anflug von Ratlosigkeit die Kopfhörer reingesteckt -> es geht alles. Kopfhörer wieder raus => es geht wieder :-)

Hörbuch hatte ich ebenfalls über Kopfhörer gehört, aus irgendeinem Grund hat das IPhone einfach nicht mitbekommen, dass ich sie ausgesteckt habe.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My current productivity tool set

Quick overview of my current software tools for GTD and personal productivity
  • MyLifeOrganized
    Inbox, list of next actions, tasks with a due date
  • Outlook
    email: inbox, reference files (folders are structured by clients and projects)
    calendar: appointments (meetings), deadlines/milestone dates
  • WikidPad
    everything :-)
    lists, notes, articles, ...
  • FreeMind
    used for brainstorming, project planning, ...
    the results are transferred to WikidPad
  • tag2find
    new tool for me (I use it for 1 week now), with this tool you are able to tag files in your filesystem (i think it only works with NTFS) - if you use it consequently it's better than a desktop search (btw: I use Microsoft Desktop Search, 'cause I had to install it for my Outlook 2007, before I had Google Desktop Search installed)
  • PersonalBrain
    also new, PersonalBrain 4 was released a few days ago and I give it a try again, since they also have a free version of it now
  • del.icio.us
    bookmarks - I think everyone knows del.icio.us by now
  • FreeCommander
    my file manager
  • Launchy
    I can't remember the last time I used the "normal" Windows start-up menu ;-)
  • AutoHotKey
    used for text substitutions, some scripts for managing startup procedures and tagging
  • GoogleReader
    RSS feed reader (I subscribed about 250 feeds)
  • KeePass
    Password manager - I will never ever use a week password again ;-)
  • ... to be continued


I just installed Miro - and I have to admit I became instantly a fan of this tool.
Not because of the tool itself (it's just to buggy, e.g. I get an XML-error when trying to edit the options so I'm unable to change them) but because I realized just how much there is to watch and learn out there.
The first channels I added are Google Videos (engEDU), TED, 2 channels with film trailers and the German Tagesschau
My favorite features in the moment are
- background downloading of new videos
- old videos are automatically deleted (days to keep are configured per feed)
- integrated search engine for YouTube, Google Video...

I know that there are similar tools out there but I will stay with Miro for a while.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Optimus Maximus keyboard

Das Optimus Maximus keyboard kommt jetzt wohl wirklich. Allerdings zu einem heftigen Preis: 1564 USD. (Preis laut Ankündigung in deren Blog)
Die Tastatur würde mich schon arg reizen, wenn ich mir allerdings für das Geld einen ganzen Rechner kaufen kann ...
Bei Golem gibt es hier noch ein paar Infos dazu.

Friday, April 13, 2007

del.icio.us: recently bookmarked

Monday, April 09, 2007

Test blog entry via Google Documents

Had some problems configuring this feature - blogger is out of beta, but you have to choose "Blogger (beta)" in the options.
btw: why do I have to provide the credentials? I'm always a little bit surprised how smooth I can switch between different Google applications, Google always know me. But in Google Documents I have to provide my Google credentials for integration with Google Blogger.

updated: the option to use the document title as blog post title seems not to work
tags (Google Documents) are not used as labels (Blogger)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

IM - Gaim is now known as Pidgin

Found this on Slashdot: My (currently) favorite IM client Gaim is now known as Pidgin.
Interesting: they moved their development from sourceforge to a trac based system.

Wikipedia is also updated - this speed is fascinating.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Drahtlos Handy & Co aufladen

Gerade auf Spiegel Online gefunden: die Firma Powercast soll eine Technik entwickelt haben, mit der man ohne Kabel kleine Geräte aufladen kann. Dabei kooperieren sie mit Philips - angeblich dieses Jahr noch sollen die ersten Produkte auf den Markt kommen. Zuerst "nur" eine Taschenlampe, in 2008 dann Dinge wie Tastatur...

Da bin ich ja mal echt gespannt - ich würde mich über sowas freuen und es nutzen. Darauf, wie Leute reagieren, die jetzt schon ein "Wellenproblem" haben (Handy-Masten...), bin ich auch schon gespannt.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

delicious: recently bookmarked

Thursday, March 22, 2007

del.icio.us: recently bookmarked

Sunday, March 18, 2007

IM - next try

Since PSI didn't meet my expectations (ICQ connection was not reliable, I had to manually check if I'm still connected) I switched again.
Now I'm using Gaim for ICQ and GoogleTalk.

Friday, March 16, 2007

del.icio.us: recently bookmarked

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Del.icio.us: 10 latest bookmarks