Das Optimus Maximus keyboard kommt jetzt wohl wirklich. Allerdings zu einem heftigen Preis: 1564 USD. (Preis laut Ankündigung in deren Blog)
Die Tastatur würde mich schon arg reizen, wenn ich mir allerdings für das Geld einen ganzen Rechner kaufen kann ...
Bei Golem gibt es hier noch ein paar Infos dazu.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
del.icio.us: recently bookmarked
30 usd in euro - Google Search
[Note] Google rechnet um: Betrag Währung IN währung im Suchfeld eingeben
[tags] währungsumrechnerTak: The Great Juju Challenge
[Note] xbox game walkthrough
[tags] xboxKeePass Password Safe
[Note] Password manager
[tags] security,toolsGraphviz
[Note] Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks.
[tags] graphic,visualization,wikidpadGepaeckliste.de
[Note] Schnell und kostenlos eine praktische Gepäckliste, passend zu Ihrer Reise.
[tags] reise,travelploticus: welcome
[Note] producing plots, charts and graphics from data
[tags] graphic,wikidpad,visualizationheise online-Preisvergleich: Heise Preisvergleich / Deutschland
[Note] undefined
[tags] preisvergleichConnectedText - Welcome
[Note] ConnectedText is a simple but powerful personal Wiki system.
[tags] software,wikiO'Reilly School of Technology
[Note] Online Courses, ~400$ per course
[tags] education,programming,learningHappiness Formula Wiki
[Note] The Dilbert Blog
[tags] happiness,life,healthHappiness Formula
[Note] The Dilbert Blog (Scott Adams)
[tags] happiness,health,lifeGetting Serious About Happiness | TIME
[Note] Time article about happiness
[tags] happiness,health,lifeTIME
[Note] Breaking News, Analysis, Opinions, Multimedia and Blogs
[tags] news,magazineYouTube - How to paint the MONA LISA with MS PAINT
[Note] unbelievable
[tags] video,fun,youtubeFree and Open Source Collection
[Note] Mohawke's Best of the Best Free and Open Source Software Collection: Mac OS X and Windows software Collection
found via lifehacker.com
[tags] freeware,opensource,toolsFreeComputerBooks.com
[Note] Free Computer Books, Tutorials & Lecture Notes
[tags] ebooksWedding Ring Coffin
[Note] The Wedding Ring Coffin is the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one for bringing closure after a divorce
found via ehrensenf.tv
[tags] humor,fun,gift-ideaXING - Start
[Note] Business Community
[tags] community,networking,_regularLebensqualität: Die 50 besten Städte der Welt - Wirtschaft - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
[Note] ...Studie der Beratungsgesellschaft Mercer Human Resourcce Consulting. Unter 215 untersuchten Metropolen schafft es Düsseldorf auf Rang fünf,...
[tags] duesseldorf
Monday, April 09, 2007
Test blog entry via Google Documents
Had some problems configuring this feature - blogger is out of beta, but you have to choose "Blogger (beta)" in the options.
btw: why do I have to provide the credentials? I'm always a little bit surprised how smooth I can switch between different Google applications, Google always know me. But in Google Documents I have to provide my Google credentials for integration with Google Blogger.
updated: the option to use the document title as blog post title seems not to work
tags (Google Documents) are not used as labels (Blogger)
btw: why do I have to provide the credentials? I'm always a little bit surprised how smooth I can switch between different Google applications, Google always know me. But in Google Documents I have to provide my Google credentials for integration with Google Blogger.
updated: the option to use the document title as blog post title seems not to work
tags (Google Documents) are not used as labels (Blogger)
Sunday, April 08, 2007
IM - Gaim is now known as Pidgin
Found this on Slashdot: My (currently) favorite IM client Gaim is now known as Pidgin.
Interesting: they moved their development from sourceforge to a trac based system.
Wikipedia is also updated - this speed is fascinating.
Interesting: they moved their development from sourceforge to a trac based system.
Wikipedia is also updated - this speed is fascinating.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Drahtlos Handy & Co aufladen
Gerade auf Spiegel Online gefunden: die Firma Powercast soll eine Technik entwickelt haben, mit der man ohne Kabel kleine Geräte aufladen kann. Dabei kooperieren sie mit Philips - angeblich dieses Jahr noch sollen die ersten Produkte auf den Markt kommen. Zuerst "nur" eine Taschenlampe, in 2008 dann Dinge wie Tastatur...
Da bin ich ja mal echt gespannt - ich würde mich über sowas freuen und es nutzen. Darauf, wie Leute reagieren, die jetzt schon ein "Wellenproblem" haben (Handy-Masten...), bin ich auch schon gespannt.
Da bin ich ja mal echt gespannt - ich würde mich über sowas freuen und es nutzen. Darauf, wie Leute reagieren, die jetzt schon ein "Wellenproblem" haben (Handy-Masten...), bin ich auch schon gespannt.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
delicious: recently bookmarked
How to Blow Smoke Rings - WikiHow
[Note] The ability to blow thick, full, even smoke rings that will travel as far and as fast as you want them to is really not as hard as you think.
[tags] humor,tobacco<img src="http://www.clipperz.com/favicon.ico" border="0" height="16">&nbsp;Clipperz&nbsp;<i><small>(www.clipperz.com)</small></i>
[Note] found via lifehacker.com
[tags] security,_regularGoogle Personal Home
[Note] Personalized Google Home Page
[tags] google,_standard,firefox:toolbareBooks: Download Them, or Make Your Own (May 01)
[Note] Learn about the tools and tricks you need to create your own elegant eBooks
MS Reader -> .lit files
[tags] ebook,pocketpcYouTube - Kiwi!
[Note] Spiegel.de: Anbetungswürdigstes Video: Kiwi von Madyeti47. Kleiner Kiwi erfüllt sich einen großen Wunsch: Einmal fliegen wie ein richtiger Vogel. So traurig, so süß.
[tags] video,youtubeiwantsandy
[Note] Hi! I'm Sandy, your free email assistant.
I'll help you get organized and stay productive by adding smarts to the email you're already sending.
found via boingboing.net
from the people who also made stikkit.com
[tags] email,productivityMeteoalarm - Alerting Europe for extreme Weather
[Note] found via Ehrensenf.tv
[tags] wetterFlyakiteOSX - Modify . Simplify . Aquafy [The Official Site]
[Note] MacOS X Feeling für Windows XP
found via lifehack.org
[tags] mac,windows,themes
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