Ehrensenf Internet TV
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IM - next try
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
IM - GoogleTalk, ICQ
Hooray - a new post from me ;-)
It always annoyed me to have 3 IM-tools constantly running (GoogleTalk, Skype, Trillian for ICQ and MSN).
Up to now I'm not aware of any alternative clients for Skype.
Since GoogleTalk is based on Jabber and Jabber supports ICQ I searched for a good Jabber client. Once I tried to integrate GoogleTalk with ICQ and took a look at Gaim - I failed miserably loosing a lot of time - I just didn't want to try it again.
While gathering some information about Jabber I stumbled over Psi.
Setup for GoogleTalk was no problem - the Wiki at the Psi-Homepage provided detailed information.
Biggest problem was to find a Jabber server supporting ICQ - every list I found (, provided no details about supported transports. After reading some forum and blog posts I got the impression that everyone who is using Jabber runs his own server.
Now I'm using Seems to be a reliable service.
The greatest pain during the transition was caused by the ICQ contact list import.
Every contact required several mouse clicks - for every contact you get an event stating that the user xyz wants to be authorized -> Clicking add/authorize -> waiting -> next event with the confirmation.
I also had to group and rename all contacts - the configuration of my Trillian was local.
Unfortunately the hover help on a contact does not reveal icq user information -> right click / user info is needed :-(
It always annoyed me to have 3 IM-tools constantly running (GoogleTalk, Skype, Trillian for ICQ and MSN).
Up to now I'm not aware of any alternative clients for Skype.
Since GoogleTalk is based on Jabber and Jabber supports ICQ I searched for a good Jabber client. Once I tried to integrate GoogleTalk with ICQ and took a look at Gaim - I failed miserably loosing a lot of time - I just didn't want to try it again.
While gathering some information about Jabber I stumbled over Psi.
Setup for GoogleTalk was no problem - the Wiki at the Psi-Homepage provided detailed information.
Biggest problem was to find a Jabber server supporting ICQ - every list I found (, provided no details about supported transports. After reading some forum and blog posts I got the impression that everyone who is using Jabber runs his own server.
Now I'm using Seems to be a reliable service.
The greatest pain during the transition was caused by the ICQ contact list import.
Every contact required several mouse clicks - for every contact you get an event stating that the user xyz wants to be authorized -> Clicking add/authorize -> waiting -> next event with the confirmation.
I also had to group and rename all contacts - the configuration of my Trillian was local.
Unfortunately the hover help on a contact does not reveal icq user information -> right click / user info is needed :-(
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